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Manage all types of building projects, house extensions and renovations

Manage all types of building projects, house extensions and renovations

A building project management tool that allows you to take control, manage projects, plan jobs, monitor work, track costs and more

Are you a tradesperson, self builder, managing your own project or simply moving house? Manageabuild has everything you need

Building project management made simple

Managing building projects is demanding. Firstly you have lot’s of jobs and work to track. Secondly, you have different trades and events to organise. Whether it is a house extension, renovation or self build chances are it will need project managing by someone.  With Manageabuild, we have done the hard work for you so you can spend more time managing.

Building Project dashboard example

Out with the old, in with the new

We have brought everything up to date and online, accessible through your desktop, mobile or tablet and best of all you don’t need any experience to use this project management tool. With no more spreadsheets, scrappy bits of paper or complex formulae and reports it really is as easy as log in and go.

How do I manage my building project?

Record your data online


Record your information using our secure app online on either desktop, mobile or tablet device.

Track spending and see what has been completed and outstanding


The app will  calculate your finances keeping your budget to up to date, track spending and where funds are allocated. See what is coming up and late and see what balances are still left to pay.

View all your projects and understand the financial health and what needs attention


See your projects in a single place. Understand the financial health  is like and what needs attention. Check your delivery schedule and what progress has been made on jobs.

Examples of house project reports available with Manageabuild

Why do I need to use a building project management tool?

Trying to manage lots of jobs at once

Trying to do everything at once?

Have you found yourself trying to do or manage multiple things at once? Do you have a full time job or people to manage on top of your project? Are you the one that needs to sort everything out whilst getting things done?

Juggling all these things can be tough especially as the jobs and tasks are stored everywhere – on paper, emails, on the computer, the phone and even in your head! 

Too much paperwork?

As an industry, house rennovation and building involves a lot of paperwork. These include quotes, work orders, bills, receipts, job lists, certificates, order forms and the list keeps growing. Keeping on track of them becomes a job in itself and then trying to find that one document you need takes time as well as being able to easily store them.

Building projects creates a lot of paperwork
There are a lot of project tasks and building activities to keep on top of

Need to get organised?

There is a lot to do and a schedule to stick to with people and trades to organise. If you can’t see or keep on top of things it can be costly and the schedule slips so getting organised is the key to success. How do you do that when you can only be in one place at once or juggle work commitments?

Just getting started?

Knowing where to start can be a daunting thing. Do you start with a budget or maybe a schedule or maybe get some quotes. Wherever you start you will still go through most if not all the typical activities involved in a building project or renovation.

There are a lot of project tasks and building activities to schedule

Anyone can manage a building project, self-build, extension or renovation with the right tool

Financial and budget analysis dashboards to show building project financial health

You don't need to know spreadsheets or accounting

Personal Users

Embarking on a build project or half way through one? Manageabuild will enable you to manage your project differently, bringing everything together in a single place and giving you the insight where you need it most.

Business Users

Need an easy tool to help manage the day to day work? Tired of different spreadsheets for each job? More than one project on the go? Need a simpler way to track work and engage with customers? 
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Member Area

Our Story

Where it began...

We started out like so many of you embarking on the journey of getting a job, owning a house and raising a family. Knowing what was to come, we saved where we could and bought our first house. It wasn’t to our taste so work needed to be done. Being a homeowner and its responsibilities, costs quickly mounted up so we took the plunge and tried renovating ourselves. It worked out…some of the time. We needed help. We needed trades people. We needed money. But most of all we needed time. Working full time and trying to renovate was a tall order. Late nights and busy weekends, over budget and deadlines missed – like so many that never plan to start out this way but nevertheless find themselves here anyway.

Circumstances Changed

Years passed, older and wiser with family now in tow, we came to that decision in our family life on whether we should buy a bigger house or extend our home. With deposits, fees, trying to tick all the boxes and calculating the costs in a big complicated spreadsheet, we decided to extend. This time, we were determined not to make the mistakes of the past or get consumed by the project activities as we knew better (or so we thought). Besides, nothing had really changed – still working full time, bills to pay, things to do, with one exception – kids. Nursery runs, school runs, keeping the lights on, water running, heating going and the place reasonably clean and dust-free (if that is possible) whilst living at home only made things that much more challenging.

Too many things

We hired skilled tradesman for the structural work, experts for the planning and structural aspects and then went it alone again to keep costs down. From digging concrete floors, creating partition walls, becoming my own plumber to installing the wood floors, kitchen and creating an en-suite with custom shower. Whilst it was physically hard, hard work, what made it harder was the sheer number of things that actually go into a project and need actual managing. Even the simple things like choosing tiles or curtains would become a mini project!

We were faced with appointments, quotes and more quotes. Then came orders, bills, unplanned expenses. Diaries were a must, even scheduling time with the family became a task. Paper, so much paper – receipts, invoices, instructions, plans, certificates. Email after email, phone calls, store visits, site visits. Things were happening at different stages at different times and the information was everywhere, online, on paper and in my head.

Need to be different

With so many moving parts managing a build whilst doing our day job and keeping on top of everyday life there was nothing out there ready to go and  simple to use, that would help us manage the build easier. Even if it was just getting rid of the spreadsheets and the complicated formulas or putting everything online and in one place or just telling me what I was late on or coming up or left to pay. We struggled to manage the budget with the finances constantly moving and needed to be updated. That’s why we set out and created manageabuild.com – to make your life that little bit easier, take away the complicated, reduce the workload, get rid of the spreadsheets, calculations and formulae and just allow you to manage your project better giving you that ever important time back to do what matters most to you.

Yours Sincerely,

Manoj Rana – CEO & Founder